

Electronic Video Agent database indicates the following:

Common Abbreviations
Some special cases apply.

F/AV-19 Orca VTOL Assault Craft

Cost: 1200 Credits
Mass: 7506 Kg
Top Speed: 619 Km/h
Acceleration: ***
Handling: ****
Armor: ***
Durability: ***
Weapon: GAU-4 20mm Vulcan, M261 Hydra-70 Rockets
Firepower: ****
Range: ***/****
Rate of fire: ******/***
Prequisite: Helicopter Pad

The F/AV-19 Orca Vertical Takeoff and Landing Assault Craft is a cutting-edge VTOL fighter jet with the capabilities both of a helicopter and fighter jet. The Orca, like its aquatic mammal counterpart, is extremely maneuverable in the air. Armed with a nose-mounted GAU-4 20mm Vulcan gun and completened by 18 M261 Hydra-70 rockets, they are exceptionally useful for taking out heavily armored vehicles.

F/AV-19B Orca VTOL Training Craft

Cost: N/A
Mass: 8003 Kg
Top Speed: 605 Km/h
Acceleration: ***
Handling: ****
Armor: ***
Durability: ***
Weapon: N/A
Firepower: N/A
Range: N/A
Rate of fire: N/A
Prequisite: N/A

The F/AV-19B Orca Training Craft is a two-seater version of the Orca VTOL Assault Craft that GDI pilots use to learn how to fly VTOL aircraft. Its armaments are disabled as a precaution.

UH-60L Black Hawk

Cost: 1450 Credits
Mass: 7907 Kg
Top Speed: 287 Km/h
Acceleration: **
Handling: ***
Armor: **
Durability: **
Weapon: M60D Machine Gun
Firepower: ****
Range: ***
Rate of fire: ******
Prequisite: Infantry Barracks, Helicopter Pad

The UH-60L Black Hawk is GDIโ€™s front-line utility helicopter. It is capable of transportating 11 troops and can ferry light vehicles.

CH-47D Chinook

Cost: 1500 Credits
Mass: 10 614 Kg
Top Speed: 292 Km/h
Acceleration: *
Handling: **
Armor: ***
Durability: ***
Weapon: M60D Machine Gun
Firepower: ****
Range: ***
Rate of fire: *****
Prequisite: Infantry Barracks, Helicopter Pad

The CH-47D Chinook transport helicopter provides field transportation for all infantry, rapidly deplying new troops into, or out of, battle. Like the Black Hawk, it can be used to ferry light vehicles.

A-10A Thunderbolt II

Cost: 1500 Credits
Mass: 20 950 Kg
Top Speed: 676 Km/h
Acceleration: ***
Handling: ***
Armor: ****
Durability: ****
Weapon: GAU-8 Avenger Gatling gun, MK-82 bomb, MK-84 bomb, MK77 incendiary, AIM-9 Sidewinder missiles
Firepower: *****
Range: ****
Rate of fire: ****
Prequisite: Communications Center

The A-10A “Warthog” Thunderbolt II is a highly maneuverable, ground-hugging aircraft that uses an explosive assortment of bombs and missiles to level enemy forces. Its GAU-8 Avenger autocannon fires at a high rate with very distinctive sound. It’s too late for Nod once they hear it coming.

F/A-18C Hornet

Cost: 1600 Credits
Mass: 16 651 Kg
Top Speed: 2082 Km/h
Acceleration: ****
Handling: ****
Armor: **
Durability: **
Weapon: M61 Vulcan, AIM-9 Sidewinder missiles, AIM-120 AMRAAM, MK82 bomb
Firepower: ****
Range: ****
Rate of fire: ****
Prequisite: Communications Center

The F/A-18C Hornet is the backbone of GDI’s airforce. A dependable and versatile assault fighter jet, it is fast and well-balanced in its combat abilities.

ASP-76 Hourglass

Cost: 1800 Credits
Mass: 23 278 Kg
Top Speed: 2335 Km/h
Acceleration: ****
Handling: ****
Armor: **
Durability: **
Weapon: M61 Vulcan, AIM-7 Sparrow missiles, AIM-9 Sidewinder
Firepower: ****
Range: ****
Rate of fire: ****
Prequisite: Advanced Communications Center

The ASP-76 is GDI’s most advanced prototype strike fighter, built to maintain GDI’s air superiority. Sweepable tailwings and a stealth structure designed to be invisible to radar are among the features. It competes with Nod’s YF-22 Lightning II.

C-5B Galaxy

Cost: 1300 Credits
Mass: 172 400 Kg
Top Speed: 871 Km/h
Acceleration: ****
Handling: **
Armor: ***
Durability: *****
Weapon: Unarmed
Firepower: N/A
Range: N/A
Rate of fire: N/A
Prequisite: Weapons Factory, Communications Center

The C-5B “FRED” Galaxy is a massive freight plane that can transport practically anything, even the X66 Mammoth Tank, in its huge cargo bay. It airdrops supplies such as firearms, ammo, and rations to GDI locations. Its turbofan engines produce a signature whining soundtrack.

E-2C Hawkeye

Cost: 1000 Credits
Mass: 23 483 Kg
Top Speed: 649 Km/h
Acceleration: ***
Handling: ***
Armor: **
Durability: *
Weapon: Unarmed
Firepower: N/A
Range: N/A
Rate of fire: N/A
Prequisite: Communications Center

The E-2C “The Hummer” Hawkeye is an all-weather twin turboprop aircraft used by GDI for recon and rescue missions. It also has an early warning system radar that can assist Electronic Video Agent identifying hostile forces in the distance.

AH-64A Apache

Cost: 1200 Credits
Mass: 8006 Kg
Top Speed: 279 Km/h
Acceleration: **
Handling: ***
Armor: ****
Durability: ****
Weapon: M230 Automatic Gun, AGM-114 Hellfire missiles, Hydra-70 Rockets
Firepower: ****
Range: ****
Rate of fire: *****
Prequisite: Helicopter Pad

The AH-64A Apache attack helicopter is fast, agile, and carries a large quantity of ammunition. Equipped with the M230 high-velocity chaingun, AGM-114 Hellfire missiles and Hydra-70 Rockets, the Apache is a versatile air unit and can easily take out armored units.

RAH-66 Comanche

Cost: 1400 Credits
Mass: 7 896 Kg
Top Speed: 306 Km/h
Acceleration: ***
Handling: ****
Armor: ***
Durability: ***
Weapon: GE Vulcan II Gatling gun, AGM-114 Hellfire air-to-ground missiles, 16ร— Stinger missiles
Firepower: ****
Range: ****
Rate of fire: *****
Prequisite: Obelisk of Light, Helicopter Pad

More advanced than its brother Apache, the RAH-66 Comanche is a prototype stealth helicopter that is difficult to detect with radar and heat-seeking missiles. General Raveshaw has seen fit to provide one to Sakura as a gift.

CH-47D Chinook

Cost: 1500 Credits
Mass: 10 614 Kg
Top Speed: 292 Km/h
Acceleration: *
Handling: **
Armor: ***
Durability: ***
Weapon: M60D Machine Gun
Firepower: ****
Range: ***
Rate of fire: ******
Prequisite: Hand of Nod, Helicopter Pad

The CH-47D Chinook transport helicopter provides field transportation for all infantry, rapidly deplying new troops into, or out of, battle. Like GDI’s Black Hawk, it can be used to ferry light vehicles.

C-17A Globemaster III

Cost: 1200 Credits
Mass: 58 968 Kg
Top Speed: 804 Km/h
Acceleration: ****
Handling: ****
Armor: ***
Durability: ****
Weapon: Unarmed
Firepower: N/A
Range: N/A
Rate of fire: N/A
Prequisite: Weapons Delivery Runway

The C-17A “The Moose” Globemaster III cargo plane carries purchased units to the Brotherhood via the Runway. Any units ordered will be airlifted as soon as possible.

C-130H-30 Hercules

Cost: 1300 Credits
Mass: 37 648 Kg
Top Speed: 602 Km/h
Acceleration: ****
Handling: ***
Armor: **
Durability: *****
Weapon: Unarmed
Firepower: N/A
Range: N/A
Rate of fire: N/A
Prequisite: Weapons Delivery Runway, Communications Center

The C-130H-30 Hercules turboprop freight plane enables the Brotherhood of Nod to quickly insert airdropped materials such as food, fuel, and various contraband. This Hercules model has a stretched fuselage, which allows for increased cargo capacity and the transportation of greater quantities at the same cost. It has great takeoff and landing capabilities and operates on a short runway at ease.

An-22 Antei

Cost: 1500 Credits
Mass: 220 000 Kg
Top Speed: 739 Km/h
Acceleration: ****
Handling: **
Armor: **
Durability: *****
Weapon: Unarmed
Firepower: N/A
Range: N/A
Rate of fire: N/A
Prequisite: Hand of Nod, Weapons Delivery Runway

The An-22 “Cock” Antei is found mostly on old airbases in the former Eastern Bloc countries, Nod has captured several examples of these as a backup for transporting heavy armament. It is capable of landing in rough, unpaved runways.

Mi-24D Hind

Cost: 1200 Credits
Mass: 11 100 Kg
Top Speed: 430 Km/h
Acceleration: *
Handling: *
Armor: ***
Durability: ***
Weapon: YaKB-12.7 machine gun, 57-mm rockets, AT-2C/ SWATTER ATGM
Firepower: *****
Range: ****
Rate of fire: ****
Prequisite: Communications Center, Helicopter Pad

The Mi-24D “Hind” is Nod’s secondary attack chopper, seized from local Eastern Bloc militias of the yesterday. It is durable, massive and heavily armed. In addition, it is capable of transporting 6 passengers.

Sukhoi Su-27SK

Cost: 1600 Credits
Mass: 23 430Kg
Top Speed: 2500 Km/h
Acceleration: ****
Handling: ****
Armor: **
Durability: **
Weapon: GSh-30-1 cannon, S-8KOM/BM/OM, R-27R/ER/T/ET/P/EP air-to-air missiles, FAB-500 bomb
Firepower: ****
Range: ****
Rate of fire: ****
Prequisite: Communications Center

A jack-of-all-trades, the Sukhoi “Flanker-B” Su-27SK is utilized by Nod to conduct pre-emptive strikes on GDI bases and other infrastructure deemed hostile by the Brotherhood.

YF-22A Lightning II

Cost: 1800 Credits
Mass: 28 120 Kg
Top Speed: 2450 Km/h
Acceleration: ****
Handling: ****
Armor: **
Durability: **
Weapon: M61A2 cannon, AIM-9 Sidewinder missiles, AIM-120 AMRAAM
Firepower: ****
Range: ****
Rate of fire: ***
Prequisite: Temple of Nod

To date, the YF-22A Lightning II is Nod’s most sophisticated tactical fighter plane and prototype stealth fighter. It can avoid detection by radar and evade heat-seeking missiles. It is agile and well-equipped to take on GDI’s formidable airforce.

SR-71A Blackbird

Cost: 2000 Credits
Mass: 47 112 Kg
Top Speed: 3218 Km/h
Acceleration: ******
Handling: ***
Armor: *
Durability: *
Weapon: Unarmed
Firepower: N/A
Range: N/A
Rate of fire: N/A
Prequisite: Communications Center

The Brotherhood of Nod uses the SR-71A Blackbird in reconnaissance missions to spy on Global Defense Initiative base operations while remaining undetected, transmitting strategic intelligence via Electronic Video Agent. It’s extremely fast, with a top speed second to none – blink and you’ll miss it.