Common Abbreviations
Some special cases apply.
Type: Soda drink
Mass: 0.04 Kg
Accuracy: N/A
Firepower: N/A
Range: N/A
Rate of fire: N/A
A tiberlicious drink that will make your skin glow. Reduces the effects of fatigue. Available in green, blue and clear.
Type: Food
Mass: 0.20 Kg
Accuracy: N/A
Firepower: N/A
Range: N/A
Rate of fire: N/A
Meal, Ready-to-Eat. A prepared food item that recovers health and restores stamina.
M22 Binoculars
Type: Binocular
Mass: 1.02 Kg
Accuracy: N/A
Firepower: N/A
Range: ****
Rate of fire: N/A
The M22 binoculars can be used for spotting enemy targets and other reconnaissance tasks.
Field Engineer Tool Case
Type: Tool Case
Mass: 8.53 Kg
Accuracy: N/A
Firepower: N/A
Range: N/A
Rate of fire: N/A
The Field Engineer’s tool case cointains a set of tools that Engineer can use to repair structural damage or capture buildings. Because of weight of the tool case, Engineers cannot carry heavy weapons, though some of the tools can be used for defensive purposes.
M2 Selectable Lightweight Attack Munition
Type: Explosive
Mass: 0.99 Kg
Accuracy: ***
Firepower: ****
Range: **
Rate of fire: **
M2 Selectable Lightweight Attack Munition (SLAM) is a land mine that detonates when its sensor is tripped. It is effective for clearing paths, and against infantry and light armored vehicles.
T-10B Troop Parachute
Type: Parachute
Mass: 14.06 Kg
Accuracy: N/A
Firepower: N/A
Range: N/A
Rate of fire: N/A
The T-10B Troop Parachute is designed for use in tactical airborne operations involving large scale aerial deliveries of personnel.
Night Vision Goggles
Type: Goggles
Mass: N/A Kg
Accuracy: N/A
Firepower: N/A
Range: N/A
Rate of fire: N/A
Night vision goggles allow the Commando to see targets better in low light conditions with its invisible infrared light.
Melee Attack
Type: Melee
Mass: N/A Kg
Accuracy: N/A
Firepower: ***
Range: *
Rate of fire: N/A
Perform a punch or kick attack.
Combat Knife
Type: Melee
Mass: 0.3 Kg
Accuracy: N/A
Firepower: ****
Range: *
Rate of fire: N/A
A keepsake of his days at the Marine Corps, the Ka-Bar Combat Knife is the Commando’s basic survival/fighting knife. A well placed blow will mean certain death to enemy infantry.
Type: Melee
Mass: 0.3 Kg
Accuracy: N/A
Firepower: ****
Range: *
Rate of fire: N/A
Sakura’s favourite weapon, a sharp, short blade made from the finest Japanese steel. It was employed as a backup weapon or for close-quarters combat by the Samurai of old, and it is also commonly used by the Yakuza for their doctrine of “death before dishonor”. Similar self-defense weapons remain popular across Asia with the mob.
M43 E-Tool
Type: Melee
Mass: 1.37 Kg
Accuracy: N/A
Firepower: ****
Range: **
Rate of fire: **
This M43 foldable E-Tool is normally used to dig trenches, but it can be also used as a melee weapon with its serrated edges. A hard hit from the shovel can be lethal.
M112 C4 Demolition Charge
Type: Explosive
Mass: 0.5 Kg
Accuracy: N/A
Firepower: *****
Range: N/A
Rate of fire: *
When you need to quickly demolish something, the M112 C4 Demolition Charge is your bet. It can be placed on a Main Console to quickly disable entire structures. Use caution when placing the explosive; get to a safe distance before detonation. The C4 explosive is detonated by M147 Time Delay Firing Device which can be set to detonate after a specified amount of time.
M590 Shotgun
Type: 12-Gauge Shotgun
Mass: 3.63 Kg
Accuracy: *
Firepower: *****
Range: **
Rate of fire: ***
The M590 is a pump action, 12-gauge shotgun. The shotgun offers great stopping power at close range, but it is inaccurate at longer distances.
M82A1A Special Application Scoped Rifle
Type: Sniper/anti-material rifle
Mass: 14.75 Kg
Accuracy: ****
Firepower: *****
Range: *****
Rate of fire: **
The M82A1A “Light Fifty” Special Application Scoped Rifle fires 50 caliber rounds. This anti-material weapon is very effective against infantry and light armored vehicles.
KSVK Large-Caliber Kovrov Sniper Rifle
Type: Sniper/anti-material rifle
Mass: 12.75 Kg
Accuracy: ****
Firepower: *****
Range: *****
Rate of fire: **
The KSVK Large-Caliber Kovrov Sniper Rifle fires 12.7mm rounds. This anti-material weapon is very effective against infantry and light armored vehicles.
M9 Beretta Pistol
Type: Pistol
Mass: 1.16 Kg
Accuracy: ***
Firepower: **
Range: **
Rate of fire: ***
A semiautomatic, double-action pistol for GDI and Nod, the M9 Beretta fires 9mm rounds. It is excellent for close quarters combat.
44. Magnum Desert Eagle Pistol
Type: Pistol
Mass: 1.9 Kg
Accuracy: **
Firepower: ***
Range: ***
Rate of fire: ***
The Desert Eagle is used by civilians who usually wear them as personal defense or for hobby purposes. Also, it is apparently Kane’s personal choice of a weapon.
M16A2 Semiautomatic Rifle
Type: Semiautomatic Rifle
Mass: 3.99 Kg
Accuracy: ***
Firepower: ****
Range: ****
Rate of fire: ****
A standard issue weapon for Minigunners, the M16A2 Semiautomatic Rifle fires 5.56mm ammunition and is effective against infantry and light armored vehicles.
M67 Fragmentation Hand Grenade
Type: Grenade
Mass: 0.4 Kg
Accuracy: *
Firepower: *****
Range: **
Rate of fire: N/A
The M67 “Baseball” fragmentation hand grenade is used by Grenadiers along with Minigunners in close quartes combat. Detonation of the grenade forms forms lethal high-velocity steel fragments.
MK2A1 Fragmentation Hand Grenade
Type: Grenade
Mass: 0.59 Kg
Accuracy: N/A
Firepower: ****
Range: N/A
Rate of fire: N/A
The MK2A1 “Pineapple” fragmentation hand grenade is used to supplement small-arms fire in close combat. Detonation of the grenade forms high-velocity iron fragments, severely damaging anything nearby.
MP-5N Submachine Gun
Type: Submachine Gun
Mass: 3.38 Kg
Accuracy: ****
Firepower: *****
Range: **
Rate of fire: ***
The MP-5N Submachine Gun fires 9mm rounds at a high rate. It is primarly designed for close quarters combat and amphibious assaults.
M9E1-7 Flamethrower
Type: Flamethrower
Mass: 26 Kg
Accuracy: *
Firepower: ****
Range: **
Rate of fire: **
The M9E1-7 Flamethrower fires streams of fire that torches practically anything flammable it touches.
V2 Venom Chemical Distributor
Type: Chemical weapon
Mass: 29 Kg
Accuracy: *
Firepower: *****
Range: **
Rate of fire: **
The V2 Venom Chemical Distributor sprays toxic gases of Tiberium that are highly corrosive and lethal against infantry. Being a Tiberium-based weapon, exposure to the gases can cause Tiberium mutations. Using it against any Tiberium-based targets (including Visceroids) is futile, and will in fact heal them.
FIM-92A Stinger Man-Portable Air-Defense System
Type: Missile Launcher
Mass: 15.66 Kg
Accuracy: ****
Firepower: ****
Range: ***
Rate of fire: ***
The FIM-92A Stinger Man-Portable Air-Defense System (MANPADS) fires missiles at supersonic speed and is very effective against aircraft. Once launched, the missile will automatically seek the designated target, with no further action required from the soldier. Additionally, the Stinger features a Identification-Friend-or-Foe (IFF) system that prevents the weapon being used against friendly aircraft.
M-72A2 Light Anti-tank Weapon
Type: Rocket Launcher
Mass: 2.3 Kg
Accuracy: ***
Firepower: *****
Range: **
Rate of fire: ***
The M-72A2 Light Anti-tank Weapon (LAW) fires rockets with 66mm High-Explosive antitank warheads. Used mainly as an antiarmor weapon, it may be used with limited success against buildings or light vehicles. Unlike the Stinger, it does not seek targets.