Main Console
Cost: 1000 Credits
Type: Console
Strength: ***
Weapon: Unarmed
Firepower: N/A
Range: N/A
Rate of fire: N/A
Prerequisite: N/A
Every building has a core computer that controls much of the facility. This computer network is required for intense combination of Tiberium-based nanite construction and computer-aided manufacturing. Destroying the Console will cause building operations to malfunction.
Construction Yard
Cost: 5000
Type: Building factory
Power Usage: 30 (Selfpowered)
Strength: ***
Weapon: Unarmed
Firepower: N/A
Range: N/A
Rate of fire: N/A
Prerequisite: Mobile Construction Yard
The Construction Yard is the foundation of a base and allows the construction of other buildings.
Nuclear Power Plant
Cost: 300 Credits
Type: Power plant
Power Production: 100
Strength: **
Weapon: Unarmed
Firepower: N/A
Range: N/A
Rate of fire: N/A
Prerequisite: Construction Yard
The Nuclear Power Plant provides power to base structures. Construction more buildings may require more power plants. Power output is directly related to the power plant’s condition, so they must be protected during combat.
Advanced Nuclear Power Plant
Cost: 700 Credits
Type: Power plant
Power Production: 200
Strength: ***
Weapon: Unarmed
Firepower: N/A
Range: N/A
Rate of fire: N/A
Prerequisite: Construction Yard, Nuclear Power Plant
This high-yield structure, the Advanced Nuclear Power Plant, handles the energy strains of some later, more power-sensitive structures.
Infantry Barracks
Cost: 300 Credits
Type: Recruiting center
Power Usage: 10
Strength: ****
Weapon: Unarmed
Firepower: N/A
Range: N/A
Rate of fire: N/A
Prerequisite: Construction Yard
The Infantry Barracks is a field training center for all available infantry units. The Barracks also provides additional ammunition for GDI soldiers. The infantry barracks are minimalistic, made of rolled steel. It provides GDI combatants a place to rest and exercise. There are numerous bunk beds and lockers inside, as well as a few weights and jumping ropes. There are also monitors that display pro-GDI videos to motivate soldiers. Outside, there are a few blue water barrels and a flag pole with the GDI flag hung to it.
Field Hospital
Cost: 300 Credits
Type: Hospital
Power Usage: 10
Strength: **
Weapon: Unarmed
Firepower: N/A
Range: N/A
Rate of fire: N/A
Prerequisite: Construction Yard, Infantry Barracks
The Field Hospital is a medical center where soldiers wounded in combat can be healed.
Guard Tower
Cost: 500 Credits
Type: Defense
Power Usage: 0
Strength: **
Weapon: Dual M2HB Machine Guns
Firepower: ****
Range: ****
Rate of fire: ****
Prerequisite: Construction Yard, Infantry Barracks
Armed with dual M2HB machine guns, the Guard Tower provides manned defense against Nod attacks.
Advanced Guard Tower
Cost: 1000 Credits
Type: Defense
Power Usage: 20
Strength: ****
Weapon: BGM-109 Tomahawk Missiles
Firepower: *****
Range: *****
Rate of fire: ***
Prerequisite: Construction Yard, Communications Center
The Advanced Guard Tower provides improved fortification against Nod ground and air units. Weapons complement includes a Tomahawk missile launcher.
Tiberium Refinery
Cost: 2000 Credits
Type: Refinery
Power Usage: 40
Credits Storage: 1000
Strength: ****
Weapon: Unarmed
Firepower: N/A
Range: N/A
Rate of fire: N/A
Prerequisite: Construction Yard, Infantry Barracks
The Tiberium Refinery processes Tiberium into its component elements. Building the refinery immediately deploys a Tiberium Harvester. It can store up to 1000 credits worth of processed Tiberium.
Tiberium Silo
Cost: 150 Credits
Type: Silo
Power Usage: 10
Credits Storage: 1500
Strength: **
Weapon: Unarmed
Firepower: N/A
Range: N/A
Rate of fire: N/A
Prerequisite: Construction Yard, Tiberium Refinery
The Tiberium Silo can be used store additional 1500 credits worth of processed Tiberium. If the Silo is destroyed or captured, the amount stored is deducted from Commander’s account.
Communications Center
Cost: 1000 Credits
Type: Radar
Power Usage: 40
Strength: ****
Weapon: Airstrike
Firepower: ***
Range: *****
Rate of fire: *
Prerequisite: Construction Yard, Tiberium Refinery
The Communications Center allows use of the radar screen as long sufficient amount of power is available. The radar screen allows for long range views of the battlefield and for commanding units over great distances. As soon as the structure is built, it will begin preparing reinforcements from other GDI bases for an airstrike that can be used to soften up Nod units and structures. It can also the jam the radar of nearby enemy units.
Advanced Communications Center
Cost: 2800 Credits
Type: Radar/Superweapon controller
Power Usage: 200
Strength: ****
Weapon: Ion Cannon
Firepower: *****
Range: *****
Rate of fire:*
Prerequisite: Construction Yard, Tiberium Refinery
An upgraded complement to the Communications Center, the Advanced Communications Center is not only a radar, but is the satellite uplink center for the orbital Ion Cannon. Once the Ion Cannon is charged, it can unleash a deadly blast of ions on an unsuspecting target. If power is cut off while the Ion Cannon is charging, all communications with the satellite will be lost and the weapon cannot be fired. It can also the jam the radar of nearby enemy units.
Weapons Factory
Cost: 2000 Credits
Type: Vehicle factory
Power Usage: 30
Strength: **
Weapon: Unarmed
Firepower: N/A
Range: N/A
Rate of fire: N/A
Prerequisite: Construction Yard, Tiberium Refinery
The Weapons Factory constructs GDI’s ground vehicles. It is well protected, but is vulnerable to enemy engineers. If the factory is captured, no units can be built and enemy will have control over GDI’s vehicle production and make them work against the GDI commanders.
Helicopter Pad
Cost: 1500 Credits
Type: Helicopter landing zone
Power Usage: 10
Strength: ***
Weapon: Unarmed
Firepower: N/A
Range: N/A
Rate of fire: N/A
Prerequisite: Construction Yard, Infantry Barracks
The Helicopter Pad is allows refueling and rearmanent of, and provides a landing for helicopters. One Orca VTOL craft is supplied with each helipad built. Additional helicopter reinforcements can be purchased.
Repair Facility
Cost: 1200 Credits
Type: ***
Power Usage: 30
Weapon: N/A
Firepower: N/A
Range: N/A
Rate of fire: N/A
Prerequisite: Construction Yard, Nuclear Power Plant
The Repair Facility repairs damaged vehicles (including helicopters) and allows refueling and rearmament of ground vehicles. All repairs are deducted from commander’s credits. Damage to the facility will slow down the repairing process.
Cost: 50 Credits
Type: Wall Defense
Power Usage: 0
Strength: *
Weapon: Unarmed
Firepower: N/A
Range: N/A
Rate of fire: N/A
Prerequisite: Construction Yard
Sandbags can be used to deter the enemy from advancing. They provide limited cover from enemy gun fire and may slow units down. Only explosive type weapons can damage sandbags.
Chain Link Fence
Cost: 75 Credits
Type: Wall Defense
Power Usage: 0
Strength: **
Weapon: Unarmed
Firepower: N/A
Range: N/A
Rate of fire: N/A
Prerequisite: Construction Yard
Chain Link fences will stop light vehicles, yet can be crushed by heavier or even destroyed by most of the heavier vehicles. Note that fences do not provide cover from bullets.
Barbed Wire Fence
Cost: 85 Credits
Type: Wall Defense
Power Usage: 0
Strength: **
Weapon: Unarmed
Firepower: N/A
Range: N/A
Rate of fire: N/A
Prerequisite: Construction Yard, Advanced Nuclear Power Plant
Barbed Wire fences are an alternative to regular Chain Links. They are impassable by infantry and wheeled vehicles, and the barbs will in fact hurt them, but tracked vehicles will make short work of this fence.
Concrete Walls
Cost: 100 Credits
Type: Wall Defense
Power Usage: 0
Strength: ***
Weapon: Unarmed
Firepower: N/A
Range: N/A
Rate of fire: N/A
Prerequisite: Construction Yard
Concrete walls are GDI’s most effective barrier and are much harder to destroy. Only the Mammoth Tank can pass these walls.
Automatic Gate
Cost: 250 Credits
Type: Wall Defense
Power Usage: 5
Strength: ***
Weapon: Unarmed
Firepower: N/A
Range: N/A
Rate of fire: N/A
Prerequisite: Construction Yard, Infantry Barracks
This structure prevents enemy units and Tiberium growth from entering a base. The gate automatically opens to allow friendly units to pass but will not open for enemy units.

Main Console
Cost: 1000 Credits
Type: Console
Strength: ***
Weapon: Unarmed
Firepower: N/A
Range: N/A
Rate of fire: N/A
Prerequisite: N/A
Every building has a core computer that controls much of the facility. This computer network is required for intense combination of Tiberium-based nanite construction and computer-aided manufacturing. Destroying the Console will cause building operations to malfunction.
Construction Yard
Cost: 5000
Type: Building factory
Power Usage: 30 (Selfpowered)
Strength: ***
Weapon: Unarmed
Firepower: N/A
Range: N/A
Rate of fire: N/A
Prerequisite: Mobile Construction Yard
The Construction Yard is the foundation of a base and allows the construction of other buildings.
Nuclear Power Plant
Cost: 300 Credits
Type: Power plant
Power Production: 100
Strength: **
Weapon: Unarmed
Firepower: N/A
Range: N/A
Rate of fire: N/A
Prerequisite: Construction Yard
The Nuclear Power Plant provides power to base structures. Construction more buildings may require more power plants. Power output is directly related to the power plant’s condition, so they must be protected during combat.
Advanced Nuclear Power Plant
Cost: 700 Credits
Type: Power plant
Power Production: 200
Strength: ***
Weapon: Unarmed
Firepower: N/A
Range: N/A
Rate of fire: N/A
Prerequisite: Construction Yard, Nuclear Power Plant
This high-yield structure, the Advanced Nuclear Power Plant, handles the energy strains of some later, more power-sensitive structures.
Hand of Nod
Cost: 300 Credits
Type: Recruiting center
Power Usage: 10
Strength: ****
Weapon: Unarmed
Firepower: N/A
Range: N/A
Rate of fire: N/A
Prerequisite: Construction Yard, Nuclear Power Plant
The Hand of Nod trains Brotherhood’s elite infantry units. The Hand also provides a resupply of ammunition for Nod troops. The iron fist rises from the depths, punching through the surface while grasping the globe. It has a cold steel arm with a Nod emblem pressed into it. The hand is perched atop a massive boulder, and two doors lead inside the complex. Inside, quasi-religious chants blare from speakers, preparing troops for the impending battle with GDI.
Field Hospital
Cost: 300 Credits
Type: Hospital
Power Usage: 10
Strength: **
Weapon: Unarmed
Firepower: N/A
Range: N/A
Rate of fire: N/A
Prerequisite: Construction Yard, Hand of Nod
The Field Hospital is a medical center where soldiers wounded in combat can be healed.
Gun Turret
Cost: 600 Credits
Type: Defense
Power Usage: 20
Strength: ***
Weapon: 120mm M829A1 APFSDS-T Shells
Firepower: ****
Range: ****
Rate of fire: ***
Prerequisite: Construction Yard, Hand of Nod
The Gun Turret is Nod’s basic defense and with its 120mm cannon it can easily destroy enemy targets.
Surface-to-Air Missile Site
Cost: Credits
Type: Defense
Strength: **
Power Usage: 20
Weapon: FIM-92A Stinger missiles
Firepower: *****
Range: *****
Rate of fire: ****
Prerequisite: Construction Yard, Hand of Nod
Nod’s Surface-to-Air Missile Site (SAM) fires missiles at airborne enemy units. When it is recessed in the ground, it is difficult to harm, but when the launcher is exposed, it will take damage easily. Use explosives to destroy it quickly.
Obelisk of Light
Cost: 1500 Credits
Type: Defense
Strength: ***
Power Usage: 150
Weapon: Laser
Firepower: *****
Range: *****
Rate of fire: *
Prerequisite: Construction Yard, Communications Center
The Obelisk of Light shoots high-powered lasers from its crystal, destroying approaching enemies from a great distance. Because of its lengthy recharge period, it cannot be the lone weapon protecting the base. Surplus power must be provided to keep the obelisks powered up.
Tiberium Refinery
Cost: 2000 Credits
Type: Refinery
Power Usage: 40
Credits Storage: 1000
Strength: ****
Weapon: Unarmed
Firepower: N/A
Range: N/A
Rate of fire: N/A
Prerequisite: Construction Yard, Nuclear Power Plant
The Tiberium Refinery processes Tiberium into its component elements. Building the refinery immediately deploys a Tiberium harvester. It can store up to 1000 credits worth of processed Tiberium.
Tiberium Silo
Cost: 150 Credits
Type: Silo
Power Usage: 10
Credits Storage: 1500
Strength: **
Weapon: Unarmed
Firepower: N/A
Range: N/A
Rate of fire: N/A
Prerequisite: Construction Yard, Tiberium Refinery
The Tiberium Silo can be used store additional 1500 credits worth of processed Tiberium. If the Silo is destroyed or captured, the amount stored is deducted from Commander’s account.
Communications Center
Cost: 1000 Credits
Type: Radar
Power Usage: 40
Strength: ****
Weapon: Parachute Bombs
Firepower: *
Range: *****
Rate of fire: *
Prerequisite: Construction Yard, Tiberium Refinery
The Communications Center allows use of the radar screen as long sufficient amount of power is available. The radar screen allows for long range views of the battlefield and for commanding units over great distances. As soon as the structure is built, it will begin preparing reinforcements from other Nod bases for an parabomb drop that can be used to soften up GDI units and structures. It can also the jam the radar of nearby enemy units.
Bio-Research Laboratory
Cost: 500 Credits
Type: Research lab
Power Usage: 20
Strength: **
Weapon: Unarmed
Firepower: N/A
Range: N/A
Rate of fire: N/A
Prerequisite: Construction Yard, Field Hospital
The Bio-Research Laboratory allows Nod commanders to train Chemical Warriors.
Technology Center
Cost: 250 Credits
Type: Detention center
Power Usage: 30
Strength: ***
Weapon: Unarmed
Firepower: N/A
Range: N/A
Rate of fire: N/A
Prerequisite: Construction Yard, Communications Center
The Technology Center is a stronghold and and an experimental research facility that detains captured enemy POWs (Prisoners of War) where they undergo the Faith Reconstruction program. It also allows building the Ezekiel’s Wheel Stealth Tank.
Temple of Nod
Cost: 3000 Credits
Type: Nuclear missile silo
Power Usage: 20
Strength: ******
Weapon: Nuclear Missile
Firepower: ******
Range: ******
Rate of fire: *
Prerequisite: Construction Yard, Communications Center
The Temple of Nod houses the central computer core that is the hub of all Nod communications and center of command. The Temple also gives Nod commanders the ability to launch the Nuclear Missile. It can also the jam the radar of nearby enemy units.
Weapons Delivery Runway
Cost: 2000 Credits
Type: Weapons receiving area
Power Usage: 30
Strength: *****
Weapon: Unarmed
Firepower: N/A
Range: N/A
Rate of fire: N/A
Prerequisite: Construction Yard, Tiberium Refinery
The Brotherhood buys all its units offshore. The Runway allows cargo planes to land safely and deliver vital equipment. The Runway consists of three parts: The runway, control tower and fuel storage.
Helicopter Pad
Cost: 1500 Credits
Type: Helicopter landing zone
Power Usage: 10
Strength: ***
Weapon: Unarmed
Firepower: N/A
Range: N/A
Rate of fire: N/A
Prerequisite: Construction Yard, Hand of Nod
The Helicopter Pad is allows refueling and rearmanent of, and provides a landing for helicopters. One Apache helicopter is supplied with each helipad built. Additional helicopter reinforcements can be purchased.
Repair Facility
Cost: 1200 Credits
Type: ***
Power Usage: 30
Weapon: N/A
Firepower: N/A
Range: N/A
Rate of fire: N/A
Prerequisite: Construction Yard, Nuclear Power Plant
The Repair Facility repairs damaged vehicles (including helicopters) and allows refueling and rearmament of ground vehicles. All repairs are deducted from commander’s credits. Damage to the facility will slow down the repairing process.
Wood Fence
Cost: 25 Credits
Type: Wall Defense
Power Usage: 0
Strength: **
Weapon: Unarmed
Firepower: N/A
Range: N/A
Rate of fire: N/A
Prerequisite: Construction Yard
Wooden fences may slow down enemy infantry from advancing but they are useless against vehicles and vulnerable to fire.
Cost: 50 Credits
Type: Wall Defense
Power Usage: 0
Strength: *
Weapon: Unarmed
Firepower: N/A
Range: N/A
Rate of fire: N/A
Prerequisite: Construction Yard
Sandbags can be used to deter the enemy from advancing. They provide limited cover from enemy gun fire and may slow units down. Only explosive type weapons can damage sandbags.
Chain Link Fence
Cost: 75 Credits
Type: Wall Defense
Power Usage: 0
Strength: **
Weapon: Unarmed
Firepower: N/A
Range: N/A
Rate of fire: N/A
Prerequisite: Construction Yard
Chain Link fences will stop light vehicles, yet can be crushed by heavier or even destroyed by most of the heavier vehicles. Note that fences do not provide cover from bullets.
Concrete Walls
Cost: 100 Credits
Type: Wall Defense
Power Usage: 0
Strength: ***
Weapon: Unarmed
Firepower: N/A
Range: N/A
Rate of fire: N/A
Prerequisite: Construction Yard
Concrete walls are effective barriers and are hard to destroy. Only the Mammoth Tank can pass these walls.
Automatic Gate
Cost: 250 Credits
Type: Wall Defense
Power Usage: 5
Strength: ***
Weapon: Unarmed
Firepower: N/A
Range: N/A
Rate of fire: N/A
Prerequisite: Construction Yard, Hand of Nod
This structure prevents enemy units and Tiberium growth from entering a base. The gate automatically opens to allow friendly units to pass but will not open for enemy units.
Laser Fence
Cost: 250 Credits
Type: Wall Defense
Power Usage: 10
Strength: ****
Weapon: Unarmed
Firepower: N/A
Range: N/A
Rate of fire: N/A
Prerequisite: Construction Yard, Advanced Nuclear Power Plant
The laser fence is Nod’s most effective barrier. Anything that tries to pass through the fence will be cut by the laser beams. Note that when base power is offline, the laser fences will not function and allows the enemy to advance.