Tiberium is an alien plant-like lifeform that spreads by veins. It extracts minerals from the Earth’s soil which forms the Tiberium crystals. Then Tiberium can be harvested with Tiberium Harvesters which collect the crystals and unload at the Tiberium Refinery which processes the Tiberium into useable minerals such as oil, water and metal components. GDI data indicates that Tiberium was named after the Tiber River in Italy by Dr. Möbius, one of the world’s leading scientists.
A second entry exists: Tiberium was named after Tiberius Drusus Caesar by the leader of the Brotherhood, Kane.
Tiberium Riparius
Green Tiberium Riparius is the most common form of Tiberium. This substance is extremely hazardous to all known carbon based lifeforms.
Tiberium Vinifera
Blue Tiberium Vinifera is an exceptionally rare, matured form of Tiberium Riparius. It is highly toxic and volatile.
- 42.50% Phosphor
- 32.50% Iron
- 15.20% Calcium
- 5.75% Copper
- 2.50% Silica
- 1.50% UNKNOWN
Hazardous Gases
- 22% Methane
- 19% Sulfur
- 12% Naphthalene
- 10% Argon
- 6% Isobutene
- 2% Xylene
Tiberium Blossom Tree
Tiberium blossom trees are mutated forms of regular trees. They spread Tiberium spores, which in result, spread Tiberium even further and faster. Breathing Tiberium spores can result in severe damage to respiratory organs.
Tiberium Veinhole
Tiberium Veinholes are another form of Tiberium. It can appear in areas where regular Tiberium struggles to thrive, mainly at arid environments. They act like flytraps, proceeding to spread its veins and use them to grab carbon based lifeforms and eat them to feed itself. The melting process releases hazardous gases. When attacked, it will belch Tiberium gases from its mouth as a defense.
The Visceroid is an abomination, the result of uncontrolled mutation caused by prolonged contact with Tiberium. They are formless blobs of flesh which spread hazardous gases when threatened. It is vulnerable to extreme freezing temperatures.
A fate worse than death. In rare cases, direct contact with Tiberium is not immediately lethal, but instead crystalline growths of Tiberium start to appear the on the bodies of said victims over time. It can also affect behavior and make them act in an animalistic manner, hostile to anything they see.
🦖 Jurassic Funpark
These horrorlizards were bought back to life to due to an experiment with recently discovered dinosaur DNA and Tiberium.
Cost: N/A
Mass: 15 Kg
Armor: ***
Health: ***
Speed: ***
Weapon: Melee
Firepower: ****
Range: **
Rate of fire: ***
A speedy little guy that can run down almost any unit. A Velociraptor’s teensy bite can wear an unit down in time.
Cost: N/A
Mass: 2722 Kg
Armor: ***
Health: ***
Speed: ***
Weapon: Melee
Firepower: ****
Range: **
Rate of fire: ***
This beast may have brains as small as a walnut, but it sure packs a big punch.
Cost: N/A
Mass: 6350 Kg
Armor: ***
Health: ***
Speed: ***
Weapon: Melee
Firepower: ****
Range: **
Rate of fire: ***
What the Triceratops lacks in speed, it makes up in might. The horns on this dino can tear an armored unit open like a tin can.
Tyrannosaurus Rex
Cost: N/A
Mass: 7258 Kg
Armor: ***
Health: ***
Speed: ***
Weapon: Melee
Firepower: ****
Range: **
Rate of fire: ***
The Big Daddy of Dinos. The T-Rex is large and moderately fast. With teeth measuring in at 15 centimeters, it can do a fair amount of damage with one nibble.