Common Abbreviations
Some special cases apply.

Cost: 400 Credits
Mass: 2358 Kg
Top Speed: 88 Km/h
Acceleration: ***
Handling: ****
Armor: ***
Durability: ***
Weapon: M60D Machine Gun
Firepower: **
Range: ***
Rate of fire: ******
Prerequisite: Weapons Factory
Also known as the Humvee, the M1026A1 High Mobility Multipurpose Wheeled Vehicle Armament Carrier Armored With Winch is GDI’s fastest armed ground unit. Equipped with the M60D 7.62mm Machine gun, it is effective against infantry and light armor targets, and can destroy large numbers of enemy units when used in groups. However the light armor makes the HMMWV vulnerable to explosives.
Cost: 700 Credits
Mass: 2358 Kg
Top Speed: 88 Km/h
Acceleration: ***
Handling: ****
Armor: ***
Durability: ***
Weapon: M220A2 TOW Missile Launcher
Firepower: ***
Range: ****
Rate of fire: ***
Prerequisite: Weapons Factory
The M1036A1 High Mobility Multipurpose Wheeled Vehicle Tube-launched, Optically tracked, Wire-guided Missile Carrier Armored is a Humvee fitted with a M220A2 TOW Missile Launcher which fires TOW 2A missiles.
M113A2 Armored Personnel Carrier
Cost: 700 Credits
Mass: 11216 Kg
Top Speed: 59 Km/h
Acceleration: **
Handling: ***
Armor: ****
Durability: ****
Weapon: M2HB Machine Gun, L8A1 Smoke Grenades
Firepower: ****
Range: ****
Rate of fire: ****
Prerequisite: Weapons Factory, Infantry Barracks
Also known informally as the Gavin, the M113A2 Armored Personnel Carrier is used to transport GDI troops under protection of heavy steel. As a fighting vehicle, the APC has much heavier armor than the HMMWV, making the APC more survivable. Its M2HB 50. caliber machine gun can assist troops fending off enemy soldiers and lightly armored vehicles.
M2A1 Bradley Fighting Vehicle
Cost: 800 Credits
Mass: 22 680 Kg
Top Speed: 68 Km/h
Acceleration: ***
Handling: ****
Armor: ***
Durability: ***
Weapon: M242 Bushmaster 25mm cannon, BGM-71E TOW 2A missiles, M231 Port Firing Weapons
Firepower: ***
Range: ****
Rate of fire: ****
Prerequisite: Weapons Factory, Communications Center
The M2A1 Bradley Fighting Vehicle Bradley is designed to provide armored transport for GDI infantry squads as well as offensive and defensive capabilities. It has a 25mm cannon, a coaxial 7.62mm machine gun, and a TOW missile launcher for engaging Nod vehicles and fortifications. It is more protected and armed than the APC, but it is more expensive to maintain.
Cost: 800 Credits
Mass: 14493 Kg
Top Speed: 68 Km/h
Acceleration: **
Handling: ***
Armor: ****
Durability: ****
Weapon: Quad KBA 25mm Cannons
Firepower: ***
Range: *****
Rate of fire: *****
Prerequisite: Weapons Factory, Advanced Guard Tower
Based on a modified M113A2 APC chassis for simplicity and low-cost maintenance, the Sistema Italiano Difesa Aerea Mobile 25mm (SIDAM-25) was originally developed in Italy to counter the threat of Eastern Bloc airstrikes. Firing at a high rate of speed with its quad KBA 25mm cannons, it makes short work of light airborne units with its high-explosive M792 25x137mm shells.
M1A1 Abrams Medium Tank
Cost: 800 Credits
Mass: 61 326 Kg
Top Speed: 67 Km/h
Acceleration: ***
Handling: ***
Armor: ****
Durability: ****
Weapon: M829A1 APFSDS-T Shells, M240G Machine Gun, M2HB Machine Gun, L8A1 Smoke Grenades
Firepower: ****
Range: ****
Rate of fire: ***
Prerequisite: Weapons Factory
From its single barrel, the M1A1 Abrams Medium Tank fires armor-piercing shells. It is heavier and more destructive than Nod’s M2-F makeshift tank. Backup protection is provided with the M240G coaxial machine gun and smoke grenades. With decent armor and speed, the Medium Tank is one of the better all around vehicles in GDI’s arsenal.
M270 Multiple Launch Rocket System
Cost: 800 Credits
Mass: 25 191 Kg
Top Speed: 64 Km/h
Acceleration: **
Handling: **
Armor: **
Durability: **
Weapon: M26 MLRS Rockets
Firepower: *****
Range: *****
Rate of fire: *
Prerequisite: Weapons Factory, Advanced Communications Center
Long-range mobile devastation. The M270 Multiple Launch Rocket System (MLRS) fires 227mm rockets and is effective with just about everything. With no short-range fighting ability, this unit needs close-quarters protection.
X66 Mammoth Heavy Tank
Cost: 1500 Credits
Mass: 70 026 Kg
Top Speed: 42 Km/h
Acceleration: *
Handling: **
Armor: ******
Durability: ******
Weapon: M829A1 APFSDS-T Shells, Mammoth Tusk Guided Missiles, M2HB Cupola Mounted Machine Gun, L8A1 Smoke Grenades
Firepower: *****
Range: ****
Rate of fire: ****
Prerequisite: Weapons Factory, Repair Facility
The X66 Mammoth Heavy Tank is GDI’s most heavily armored fighting vehicle. This prototype is equipped with a Self-Test and Repair system, allowing it to repair itself up to 50% of its total strength. With its immense mass, dual 120mm cannons, 75mm Mammoth Tusk guided missiles and M2HB Cupola machine gun, it is able to blow through even most fortified bases without sustaining critical damage. However, these advancements come at a price: It has low mobility and high production costs.
X-0 Prototype Computer Assisted Power Armor Suit
Cost: 1800 Credits
Mass: 5670 Kg
Top Speed: 22 Km/h
Acceleration: ***
Handling: ***
Armor: ****
Durability: ****
Weapon: Laser, M73 Practice Rockets, M61A2 20mm Automatic Gun
Firepower: *****
Range: *****
Rate of fire: ****
Prerequisite: Weapons Factory, Advanced Communications Center
Among with the Mammoth Tank, the X-0 Prototype Power Suit (CAPAS) is another experimental unit being developed by GDI in response to growing amounts of Tiberium. It features active armor, designed to protect the operator from hazards. The Power suit is capable of firing lasers from its 20mm laser cannon, 35mm M73 Practice rockets (not for combat purposes) and has also a M61A2 20mm Automatic Gun. Only one prototype has been built so far.
M1075 Mobile Extendable Orca Landing Platform Lift Truck
Cost: 1500 Credits
Mass: 22 680 Kg
Top Speed: 92 Km/h
Acceleration: ***
Handling: ***
Armor: **
Durability: ***
Weapon: Unarmed
Firepower: N/A
Range: N/A
Rate of fire: N/A
Prerequisite: Weapons Factory, Helicopter Pad
The M1075 Mobile Extendable Orca Landing Platform Lift Truck (MEOLPLT) provides rearmament and refueling of Orca VTOL Assault Craft. However, this unit has weak armor and no weapons, meaning it must be protected at all times to avoid being destroyed by enemy units.
M35A2C 2-1/2 Ton Cargo Truck W/WD
Cost: 600 Credits
Mass: 6 228 Kg
Top Speed: 90 Km/h
Acceleration: ***
Handling: ***
Armor: **
Durability: ***
Weapon: Unarmed
Firepower: N/A
Range: N/A
Rate of fire: N/A
Prerequisite: Weapons Factory, Infantry Barracks
The M35A2C “Deuce and a Half” 2-1/2 Ton Cargo Truck With Winch and Dropsides is a common transport vehicle for GDI that can carry equipment, materials, and personnel. It has practically no armor and no weaponry, hence it is suggested that it be guarded by armed units.
Mobile Construction Yard
Cost: 5000 Credits
Mass: 63 660 Kg
Top Speed: 54 Km/h
Acceleration: **
Handling: *
Armor: ****
Durability: ****
Weapon: Unarmed
Firepower: N/A
Range: N/A
Rate of fire: N/A
Prerequisite: Weapons Factory, Advanced Communications Center
The Mobile Construction Yard (MCY) vehicle lets GDI Commanders search for suitable base sites. Once one is found, it can be deployed in to a Construction Yard, allowing commanders to build other structures. It is slow, unarmed and expensive, so it must be guarded by other units.
Mobile Headquarters
Cost: 1500 Credits
Mass: 27 945 Kg
Top Speed: 65 Km/h
Acceleration: ***
Handling: ***
Armor: ***
Durability: ***
Weapon: M2HB Machine Gun
Firepower: ****
Range: ****
Rate of fire: ****
Prerequisite: Weapons Factory, Communications Center
The Mobile Headquarters vehicle allows GDI Commanders to access to Electronic Video Agent radar network without presence of a Communications Center. It is backed up with the 50. cal M2HB machine gun. If the Headquarters vehicle is destroyed while Commander is inside it, GDI will lose instantly.
Tiberium Harvester
Cost: 1400 Credits
Mass: 60 086 Kg
Top Speed: 42 Km/h
Acceleration: ***
Handling: ***
Armor: *****
Durability: *****
Weapon: Unarmed
Firepower: N/A
Range: N/A
Rate of fire: N/A
Prerequisite: Weapons Factory, Tiberium Refinery
The Harvester collects raw Tiberium and then transports it to refineries for processing. It is slow, heavily armored and unarmed, meaning that it must be protected by other units, though it is proficient at squishing enemy infantry.

Raptor Attack Cycle
Cost: 500 Credits
Mass: 267 Kg
Top Speed: 180 Km/h
Acceleration: ******
Handling: **
Armor: *
Durability: *
Weapon: M-47 Dragon Anti-Tank Guided Missiles, Raptor machine gun
Firepower: ****
Range: ****
Rate of fire: ****
Prerequisite: Weapons Delivery Runway
The Raptor attack cycle provides rapid, short-range deployment. Using both rockets and machine guns, the Raptor gives great flexibility when destroying troops or civilians. Its high speed makes it an ideal scouting unit as well.
Scorpion Fast Attack Vehicle
Cost: 300 Credits
Mass: 1042 Kg
Top Speed: 100 Km/h
Acceleration: ****
Handling: ****
Armor: **
Durability: **
Weapon: M2HB Machine Gun, M60D Machine Guns
Firepower: **
Range: ***
Rate of fire: ******
Prerequisite: Weapons Delivery Runway
Faster than GDI’s Humvee, the Scorpion Fast Attack Vehicle (FAV) is ideal for hit and run tactics on infantry and light armor targets, but be sure to keep it away from heavily armored targets. The Scorpion is armed with three machine guns, M2HB and M60D for gunner, and an additional M60D machine gun for vehicle commander.
M2-F Bradley Light Tank
Cost: 600 Credits
Mass: 22 680 Kg
Top Speed: 68 Km/h
Acceleration: ***
Handling: ****
Armor: ***
Durability: ***
Weapon: 75mm APFSDS shells, M231 Port Firing Weapons
Firepower: ***
Range: ****
Rate of fire: ****
Prerequisite: Weapons Delivery Runway
The M2-F Bradley Light Tank is an improvised high mobility tracked vehicle that delivers maximum enemy unit and personnel destruction with low weight, maintainance and light weaponry.
M110A2 Self-Propelled Howitzer
Cost: 450 Credits
Mass: 28 304 Kg
Top Speed: 56 Km/h
Acceleration: *
Handling: ***
Armor: ***
Durability: ***
Weapon: M509A1 HE shells
Firepower: *****
Range: *****
Rate of fire: **
The M110A2 Self-Propelled Howitzer is Nod’s second biggest weapon in its arsenal, this massive mobile cannon fires 203mm artillery shells at great range and firepower. Any attacks with this unit must be coordinated carefully. Slow and unwieldy, it needs close-quarters protection.
Devil’s Tongue Incinerator Tank
Cost: 800 Credits
Mass: 30 086 Kg
Top Speed: 60 Km/h
Acceleration: ****
Handling: ****
Armor: ***
Durability: ****
Weapon: Twin Flamethrower Cannons
Firepower: *****
Range: *
Rate of fire: ******
Prerequisite: Weapons Delivery Runway, Communications Center
When strategy calls for total short-range annihilation with minimum exposure, the Devil’s Tongue Incinerator Tank is the choice. No infantry or light armored target can stand against its dual flame cannons. To top off its destructive capabilities, the tank is fast, able to dodge some of the slower firing weapons and and get close to enemy targets quickly.
Ezekiel’s Wheel Stealth Tank
Cost: 900 Credits
Mass: 21 543 Kg
Top Speed: 72 Km/h
Acceleration: ****
Handling: ****
Armor: **
Durability: **
Weapon: M-47 Dragon Anti-Tank Guided Missiles, L8A1 Smoke Grenades
Firepower: *****
Range: ****
Rate of fire: ****
Prerequisite: Weapons Delivery Runway, Technology Center
This lightly-armored mobile tank, the Ezekiel’s Wheel Stealth Tank, is equipped with the Lazarus shield which makes it invisible to the naked eye. The shield is neutralized during firing. Backup protection is proved by two high-powered M-47 Dragon missiles and smoke grenades. Only certain units can detect the Stealth Tank. The presence of a stealth tank can be told by thin air vibrations and electric humming nearby.
M270-F Surface-to-Surface Missile Launcher
Cost: 750 Credits
Mass: 25 191 Kg
Top Speed: 64 Km/h
Acceleration: **
Handling: **
Armor: **
Durability: ***
Weapon: MGR-1C Honest John Rockets
Firepower: ******
Range: ******
Rate of fire: **
Prerequisite: Weapons Delivery Runway, Obelisk of Light
Weapons of mass destruction and distraction. The M270-F Surface-to-Surface Missile Launcher mimics the standard appearance of a GDI vehicle, making it seem like GDI was the attacker. Armed with two high-explosive 762mm MGR-1C Honest John Rockets, the SSM Launcher can cause huge devastation from extreme range.
MGT-1A Microwave Gun Tank
Cost: 1000 Credits
Mass: 18 370 Kg
Top Speed: 55 Km/h
Acceleration: ***
Handling: ***
Armor: **
Durability: **
Weapon: XM33 Microwave Gun, M60D Machine Gun
Firepower: *****
Range: ***
Rate of fire: ***
Prerequisite: Weapons Delivery Runway, Temple of Nod
The MGT-1A is a small tracked vehicle that utilizes a form of directed energy as a weapon. The prototype XM33 microwave gun causes electric arcs to dance from enemy vehicle to vehicle, disabling sensitive electronics. The microwave beam penetrates light armor and will fry any occupants inside out.
Mobile Construction Yard
Cost: 5000 Credits
Mass: 63 660 Kg
Top Speed: 54 Km/h
Acceleration: **
Handling: *
Armor: ****
Durability: ****
Weapon: Unarmed
Firepower: N/A
Range: N/A
Rate of fire: N/A
Prerequisite: Weapons Delivery Runway, Temple of Nod
The Mobile Construction Yard (MCY) vehicle lets Nod Commanders search for suitable base sites. Once one is found, it can be deployed in to a Construction Yard, allowing commanders to build other structures. It is slow, unarmed and expensive, so it must be guarded by other units.
Mobile Headquarters
Cost: 1500 Credits
Mass: 27 945 Kg
Top Speed: 65 Km/h
Acceleration: ***
Handling: ***
Armor: ***
Durability: ***
Weapon: M2HB Machine Gun
Firepower: ****
Range: ****
Rate of fire: ****
Prerequisite: Weapons Delivery Runway, Communications Center
The Mobile Headquarters vehicle allows Nod Commanders to access to Electronic Video Agent radar network without presence of a Communications Center. It is backed up with the 50. cal M2HB machine gun. If the Headquarters vehicle is destroyed while Commander is inside it, Nod will lose instantly.
Tiberium Harvester
Cost: 1400 Credits
Mass: 65 086 Kg
Top Speed: 42 Km/h
Acceleration: ***
Handling: ***
Armor: *****
Durability: *****
Weapon: Unarmed
Firepower: N/A
Range: N/A
Rate of fire: N/A
Prerequisite: Weapons Delivery Runway, Tiberium Refinery
The Harvester collects raw Tiberium and then transports it to refineries for processing. It is slow, heavily armored and unarmed, meaning that it must be protected by other units, though it is proficient at squishing enemy infantry.
M35A2C 2-1/2 Ton Cargo Truck W/WD
Cost: 600 Credits
Mass: 6 228 Kg
Top Speed: 90 Km/h
Acceleration: ***
Handling: ***
Armor: **
Durability: ***
Weapon: Unarmed
Firepower: N/A
Range: N/A
Rate of fire: N/A
Prerequisite: Weapons Delivery Runway, Infantry Barracks
The M35A2C “Deuce and a Half” 2-1/2 Ton Cargo Truck With Winch and Dropsides is a common transport vehicle for Nod that can carry equipment, materials, and personnel. It has practically no armor and no weaponry, hence it is suggested that it be guarded by armed units.
M1083 Standard Cargo Truck
Cost: 600 Credits
Mass: 9 498 Kg
Top Speed: 94 Km/h
Acceleration: ***
Handling: ***
Armour: **
Durability: ***
Weapon: Unarmed
Firepower: N/A
Range: N/A
Rate of fire: N/A
Prerequisite: Weapons Delivery Runway, Helicopter Pad
The M1083 Standard Cargo Truck is a medium tactical vehicle utilized by the Brotherhood of Nod in a range of combat and support activities to deliver supplies and other items to Nod bases. It is intended to operate well in both on-road and off-road situations and can carry a variety of large payloads, including ammunition and fuel, as well as troops and equipment. It is more modern and protected than the M35 cargo truck, and it is designed for less experienced drivers easier to use.