Electromagnetic Pulse
When this powerup is collected, it will disable all electronics within its range.
An Improvised Explosive Device that counts down and causes heavy damage to all units nearby after the timer expires.
Credits Cache
Collecting this powerup will give 1500 credits.
Collecting this powerup will make the unit that collected the powerup temporarily invulnerable to enemy fire. It does not protect from Tiberium, however.
Health Kit
Collecting this powerup will restore some of your health or partially repair your vehicle.
Armor Kit
Collecting this powerup will restore some of your armor or partially repair your vehicle.
Reveal Map
Collecting this powerup reveals the whole map.
The map becomes reshrouded.
When this powerup is collected, it will make the unit temporarily invisible.
Health Upgrade
Increases maximum health.
Armor Upgrade
Increases maximum armor.
Range Upgrade
Increases maximum weapon range.
Rapid Reload
Speeds up weapon reload.
Launches a nuclear missile on you.
Ion Cannon
Fires the Ion Cannon on you.
Disables Stealth ability.
Gives additional armor for a brief period of time.
Increases your movement speed significantly for a brief period of time.
Doubles weapon damage for a brief period of time.
Increases maximum weapon range significantly for a brief period of time.
Mega-Rapid Reload
Speeds up weapon reload significantly for a brief period of time.
Weapon Upgrade
Increases maximum weapon damage.
Speed Upgrade
Increases your movement speed.
Teleport to a random position on the map.
Möbius Shield
Deflects damage back at the attacker.
Tissue Nanites
Activates regenerating health for an infantry unit for a brief period of time.
Tiberium Shield
Protects from Tiberium-based damage for a brief period of time.
A neural implant that increases weapon accuracy of the user.
Anti-Sound Emitter
Makes your actions silent for an infantry unit for a brief period of time.
Ammo Regeneration
Ammunition regenerates for an infantry unit for a brief period of time.
Adrenaline Shot
Decreases the damage taken for an infantry unit for a brief period of time.
Uplink Terminal
Updates EVA Encyclopedia entries.
BOOM! Everything blows up.